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New Year’s Holiday Closing Notice

We will be closed from December 29th, 2022 to January 4th, 2023. We reopen again on January 5th, 2023. Although we will be accepting orders during this time, but shipping and support will be closed. PDF data can be downloaded even during the holidays. Happy holidays to all our customers!

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New piano scores for "The Wuthering Heights", "The Sheltering Sky" and "Original Music Paper Notebook & Plain Notebook" are now available!

Ryuichi Sakamoto's official score store, which opened last year in December, released two new piano scores for "The Wuthering Heights", "The Sheltering Sky" and "Original Music Paper Notebook & Plain Notebook" today! Please check it out. "The Wuthering Heights" The theme for the 1992 movie "Wuthering Heights" (directed by Peter Kosminski), with an original score by Ryuichi Sakamoto. Available for the first time, Sakamoto completed the piano score for the official score store. This song, very popular among fans of yesteryear, retains its beauty in the piano version, even compared with the majestic orchestral version. To the purchase page of "The Wuthering Heights" "The Sheltering Sky" The theme for the movie "The Sheltering Sky" (directed by Bernardo Bertolucci), released in...

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New piano scores for "The Last Emperor" and "Gui" are now available!

Ryuichi Sakamoto's official score store, which opened last year in December, released two new piano scores for "The Last Emperor" and "Gui" today! Please check it out. "The Last Emperor" The main theme from the film "The Last Emperor" (directed by Bernardo Bertolucci), released in 1987. Sakamoto was the first Asian composer to win the Academy Award for Best Original Score and many other world-acclaimed music awards, such as the Golden Globe and Grammy awards. It is one of Sakamoto's most renowned music, loved by listeners worldwide for decades, and he has performed it numerous times during concerts and tours. Various music publishers have released many of their own versions of the score, but the latest piano score by Ryuichi...

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New piano scores for "MINAMATA" and "Bibo no Aozora" are now available!

Ryuichi Sakamoto's official score store, which opened last year in December, released two new piano scores for "MINAMATA" and "Bibo no Aozora" today! Please check it out. "MINAMATA" A piece written for the movie "MINAMATA" (2021, directed by Andrew Levitas) starring Johnny Depp, based on the photograph book "MINAMATA" by photojournalist Eugene Smith and Aileen Mioko Smith, which made the world aware of the existence of Minamata disease.This piano score, "Minamata Piano Theme", is the first release produced by Sakamoto himself. To the purchase page of "MINAMATA" "Bibo no Aozora" Since the original vocal version was released for the first time in 1995 with the album SMOOCHY, Sakamoto has played "Bibo no Aozora" in various instrumental versions such as piano...

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